New Litter October 14, 2024. [Litter pedigree]

Newborn!: Click photos for larger view
Sydney decided to have her litter earlier than I expected, SURPRISE! I was scrambling. Didn't even have a chance to get an x-ray to get a head count. That was scheduled for two days from now! Six pups; two red & white and the rest tri-colored. Two girls and four boys. They are nice and healthy and very, very pretty!

One week: Click photos for larger view
The puppies are growing like weeds. Growing as they should. They really don't do a whole lot right now except eat and sleep. For her first time, Sydney is doing is doing GREAT, and is a wonderful mama.

Two weeks: Click photos for larger view
These guys have grown so much! They have more than doubled their size! Chubby and cuties! They're already trying to walk around but only manage sort of a stagger, then back to sleep. Eyes are open now! Eat, sleep. repeat.

Three Weeks: Click photos for larger view
The pups are tottering around and just beginning to play with each other.... sort of! All their eyes are open and they like to be held. Just when I go get my camera when they're doing something cute, I come back and they're asleep again!

Four - Five Weeks: Click photos for larger view
These chunky lunks are growing so fast! They have started eating semi-solid food out of a bowl and will hopefully be weaned in the next week or so. Sydney seems to still like feeding them, even though they are now attacking her with a vengeance. They are playing a lot with each other too, and are fun to cuddle. My granddaughters have been having fun doing that! Sydney, the pups and I had a weekend at the dog shows in Napa in my motorhome last weekend and they did great! I was showing my older boy and he won all three days.

Six Weeks: Click photos for larger view
These guys are having so much fun being in a larger box with toys! They are fully weaned, and will get their first vaccination next week. Now they have their mobile and slide to play on and are using their litter box(es) fairly well. That makes my life SO much easier! (the green pellets are alfalfa so they smell good, and since they are plant material, if eaten don't do any harm - and trust me, they tried!) They chew on anything and especially love my pant legs and my Crocs! Sorry I was late this week - it's been a busy and very WET with the rain! Videos for now, I'll try to get some stills soonest. The growling SOUNDS fierce, but it's just play, honest!

Seven Weeks: Click photos for larger view
The pups are exploring and they chew on EVERYTHING! They've practically shredded their pen pads... They all had their first vaccinations this week and were all just fine. They are fat fat fat!! and growing fast. They get evaluated next week for show prospects.

Eight Weeks: Click photos for larger view
Sorry I'm late this week. It's been busy. The pups are having a blast growing up, playing and getting into trouble! Their needle teeth snag my pants every single time I go in to their box to clean or play. Unbounded energy!

Nine Weeks: Click photos for larger view
The pups love to "puppy pile," wherever they seem to land to cuddle and stay comfy. They are having fun with their new toys. The cardboard Chewy box didn't last long tho! ;) Given the nasty weather I haven't been able to get them outside much, but this next week looks promising. I'm sure they will love seeing grass, trees, birds, the other dogs, etc. At least I've been able to leave the garage door open for fresh air and sunshine when it's not raining.... First evaluations are done and there are two that I will take a closer look at to see if I have any show prospects. What a pretty litter overall!